Prepared by: Mr. Amrit Bista, Member, PP Batch III
Paaila and ENPHO in collaboration with Debate Network Nepal-DNN organized a
debate program on ‘Activism for Menstrual Hygiene and Health’ on 29th
May, 2020 on the occasion of Menstrual Hygiene day 2020 through Zoom platform. The
program was organized with an objective to mark Menstrual Hygiene (MH) Day 2020
highlighting activism for menstrual hygiene through debate.
the program, 6 debaters from DNN were on the house (platform) with 3 were as
representation of government side and 3 from the opponent side. On the debate,
proposition team spoke on the side of motion: “This house, as the feminist
movement, will fund the research for Technology XP” while opposition side spoke
against the motion within 7 minutes time-frame and at last a reply speaker from
each side briefly gave their feedbacks again. To elaborate the context on the debate,
an upcoming technology named Technology XP was hypothesized to be able to allow
women to never have their period and subsequently conception too to overcome
the period pain and not to make period as blockage for career of women.
the debate, speakers put forward views based on researches. This program
highlighted on the positive sides of technology and its contribution for women
on relieving menstrual sufferings and conception difficulties and leading a
great life with debaters from opposition as the limitations of technology such
as inaccessibility to marginalized groups, cultural unacceptability and more
importantly, the idea of banning motherhood brought, gift of nature, by the
technology and highlighted on importance on eradicating taboos and
misconceptions related to menstrual hygiene instead. The verdict at the end
announced opposition team as winner to better support for awareness regarding menstrual
hygiene than to bring in the technology.
Mr. Dixit Awasthi from DNN moderated debate and Ms. Anita Bhuju, Network Coordinator of Paschim Paaila, facilitated the overall program. Altogether, 30 youths participated in the program.
Every year Menstrual Hygiene Day is celebrated on 28 May to raise awareness and break the silence for the issues related to menstruation. This year theme for Menstrual Hygiene Day 2020 was "Menstrual Talk, Dignity First".