Prepared by: Amrit Bista, Member, PP Batch III
Niraj Giri, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Officer
for WASH at Welthungerhilfe was resource person for the program. During the
program, information and data on minimum WASH requirements in COVID-19
quarantine and isolation centers, current status of WASH in quarantine of
Terai, key indicators of proper WASH, and improvement required for the current
WASH status were shared highlighting on the standard of water, sanitation,
hygiene and environmental cleanliness. In compliance with data, Mr. Giri shared
that though quarantine centers in Terai has sufficient facilities of WASH in
regard to quantity but requires improvement in quality, its proper management
and awareness among users as quarantine centers lacks proper waste segregation
and use of water treatment options among other WASH behaviors.
mentioned by Mr. Giri, developing checklists for WASH facilities and behavior for
monitoring and effective implementation will help in improving the WASH status
of quarantine centers. Despite the present services and status of WASH in the quarantine
centers, he insisted to draw focus on flood resilient quarantine center as
monsoon has arrived.
refers to the separation and restriction of movement and activities of people
who are not ill but are believed to have been exposed to infections for the
purpose of preventing disease transmission. Quarantines are the important
measures for the control of reservoir. Government of Nepal has also made
provision of quarantine for migrants who came from COVID-19 affected countries
and other suspected people during the case investigation and contact tracing.
In this regard, Paschim Paaila in collaboration with ENPHO organized 8th
WASH FORUM Reloaded (WFR) on “WASH facilities in Quarantine of Terai” on 24 July, 2020 on Zoom meeting
platform to understand status of quo of WASH facilities in quarantine in Terai
(Province 2), details on minimum service standards required for a proper WASH
facilities in quarantine and required improvement of WASH facilities and
possible challenges.
With an active participation of more than 25 participants from different educational and professional background, the 8th WFR was organized, sharing information and addressing queries of participants. Ms. Sushama Sharma, Member, PP Batch III facilitated the overall program and Ms. Anita Bhuju, Network Coordinator closed the session with vote of thanks to the resource person and all the participants.