Dr. Saroj Kumar Chapagain, Senior Research Engineer
at Environmental Engineering and Management School of Environment, Resources
and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand was the key
speaker during the program. The main objective of the program was to share and
know about DEWATS and FSM in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia. Altogether, 35 youths
from different organizations, institutions and different youth networks actively
participated in the discussion program.
Mr. Roshan Chaulagain, Advocacy
Coordinator of Paschim Paaila introduced about WASH Forum highlighting its
objectives which was then followed by the welcome speech by Dr. Suman K.
Shakya, Executive Director of ENPHO. Dr. Shakya shared, “This kind of
interaction program play vital role for advocacy and for sensitizing youths on
the issues. This forum is the platform for the youths.” Meanwhile, Mr. Bipin
Dangol, Program Manager of ENPHO introduced the resource person and further
highlighted the importance and necessity of DEWATS and FSM for developing
countries like Nepal.
Dr. Chapagain, shared the
methodologies and current practices of the management of feacal sludge in Asian
countries through decentralized wastewater treatment system. Dr. Chapagain mainly
focused on onsite sanitation and its technologies prevalent in Thailand. The
program was very interactive and new technologies were introduced to the
participants. “At present there is no National policy for sewerage management
in Nepal so feacal sludge management is the most challenging task for
advocating at National level and for implementing as well.” informed by Mr.
Mr. Buddha Bajracharya, Network Coordinator of
Paschim Paaila delivered vote of thanks to the resource person and to the
participants and finally concluded the program by appreciating the resource
person by token of love.
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