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Paschim Paaila

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

“Uhileko Kura, Bhairav Daisanga” became wonderful experience for youths

“Uhileko Kura, Bhairav Daisanga” became wonderful experience for youths

By: Phurba Sange Moktan

“Every new name of toilet represents a new generation in Nepal”-Bhairav Risal

Since decades, tremendous efforts has been done from various NGOs, INGOs, GOs and Private sectors to improve water, sanitation and hygiene status of Nepal. Technology has become a remarkable factor for effective and sustainable practices of water and sanitation. With considering such factor a WASH FORUM (interaction program) was conducted with Mr. Bhairav Risal, senior environmental journalist and sanitation leader of age 82 to share his immensely valuable life experiences among about 40 youths.

During his age, very few people used latrine for defecation purpose even in the capital city, also had myth that it should be stink to be a toilet. So, people usually didn’t wash it. He also revealed the bitter situation of Supreme Court that had no ladies toilet before few years back, unless a lady judge was appointed. Likewise, the short story told by him also became learning for participants.
After sharing experience of being engaged on various social movements and contributing remarkable efforts like lighting program on Humla, distribution of nail cutters, toilets construction campaign, etc., he made his point that unless the physical conservative mindset of people changed, there won’t be any drastic transformation on any sectors including WASH. For that everyone need to do whatever and whenever he can. He said, “Every new name of toilet represents a new generation in Nepal and technologies definitely helped a lot to improve the WASH access and coverage, so, it should also be affordable and accessible by communities.” Finally, he concluded his points with focusing school children as most effective sanitation messengers for promoting and replicating sanitation facilities and technologies.

Following his sharing, WASH-RCNN released some video footages related to the topic that was taken by the volunteers from SUN Nepal on different localities of Kathmandu Valley, also helped to understand and interpret the technological transformation on WASH.

Overall, the program was made very informative and motivational, even the sharing was squeezed on short duration. Finally, the WASH FORUM was concluded around 4:30 pm.

Monday, August 16, 2010

डकुमेण्ट्री स्क्रीनिंग (शो)- "खानेपानी तथा सरसफाइ, प्रकोप र युवा"

डकुमेण्ट्री स्क्रीनिंग (शो)- "खानेपानी तथा सरसफाइ, प्रकोप र युवा"

बिगतको बर्षको झाडापखाला/हैजा माहमारीबाट भएको अतुलनिय मानबिय एबम आर्थिक छेति सबैको लागि एक गहकिलो सिकाइ हो। खाना, पानी र आचरणमा मात्र ख्याल राख्न सकियमा बच्न सकिने तथा लगानीको ९ गुणा प्रतिफल पाउन सकिने खानेपानी एबम सरसफाइको कमिले गर्दा लाग्ने यस्ता झाडापखाला/हैजाजन्य प्रकोपहरु वास्तवमा आजको २१ओ सताब्दिको लागि दुर्भाग्यको कुरा पनि हो। सम्पूर्ण जनसंख्याको ३०% भन्दा बढी जनसंख्या ओगट्ने युवा समुदायसग पनि यस्को प्रतछे सम्बन्ध रहेको कुरा नकार्न सकिदैन।
तसर्थ, खानेपानी एबम सरसफाइमा पहुच एबम प्रकोप नियण्त्रण मा युवाको भूमिका मनन गर्दै उपरोक्त शिर्शकमा डकुमेण्ट्री शो गर्न लागिएको हुँदा सम्पूर्ण "पश्चिम पाइला" हरुको उपस्थितिको लागि हार्दिक अनुरोध गरिन्छ।
Date: 19th August, 2010 (Thursday)
Time: 2:00 pm onwardsVenue: ENPHO HALL, Thapagaun, New-Baneshwor
((नोट: पश्चिम पाइला अभियानका ६५ जना फिल्ड भोलुण्टरहरु, काठमाडौंमा बसेर खट्नुभएका भोलुण्टर साथीहरु तथा अन्य पाइलाहरुमा सकृय हुनुभएका पछील्ला भोलुण्टर साथीहरु। अन्यलाई PARTICIPATION BY INVITATION)

Phurba Sange Moktan
"paschim paaila"

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


 Dear all,

On the occasion of International Youth Day-10, The grand event entitled, "YUWA JATRA" is going to held on 11th and 12th August, 2010.

As being a youth led initiatives and YUWA ABHIYAN(youth campaign) "paschim paaila" is approaching its steps through youth to youth approach, has also collaborated to exhibit and interact among/with youths to share the ideas and sensitize the youths on the issues of WASH and Disaster/epidemic concern through PHOTO EXHIBITION, experience sharing and presentations. So, All your presence is very important.

We believe, your presence really matters.............as a YOUTH (YUWA).

Program Details:
Date: 12th August, 2010
Time:12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Venue: GAA HALL, Thamel (Near by Ascal campus)


Kind Regards,
Phurba Sange Moktan
"paschim paaila"

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

WASH FORUM Interaction program on: उहिलेका कुरा: भैरब दाईसंग

WASH FORUM Interaction program on:
उहिलेका कुरा: भैरब दाईसंग  

बिगत केही दसकदेखि निरंतर रुपमा खाने पानी तथा सर्सफाई को छेत्रमा सरकारी, गैर-सरकारी तथा निजी छेत्रबाट   धेरै प्रयासहरू भएका छन्। यसै   प्रयास अनुरूप सन 2008  लाई संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघको अगुवाइमा अन्तरास्त्रिय सरसफाइ बर्षको रुपमा पनि मनाइएको थियो। तर पनि आजको स्थितिलाई नियाली हेर्दा केवल ४० प्रतिशतको हाराहारीमा मात्र आमनागरिकमाझ खानेपानी सरसफाइ को पहुच पुग्नु आँफैमा एक चुनौती हो र साथै हरेक बर्ष खाना, पानी र आचरनमा मात्र ध्यान दिन सकिएमा पनि बच्न सकिने झाडापखालबाट बर्सेनी १०००० भन्दा बढी बाल बालिकाहरुले आफ्नो पाँचौ जन्मदिन देखन नपाउदै अकालमा ज्यान गुमाउनु पारीरहेको यथार्त हामीमाझ हुनु पनि दुखको कुरा हो ।     
यिनै कुराहरुलाई समेट्दै बरिष्ठ  बातावरण पत्रकार तथा खानेपानी र सरसफाइ छेत्रमा कृयाशिल ब्यक्तित्व श्री भैरब रिसाल, जसलाई कुनै उपमा वा नयाँ नामले चिनाइरहनु पर्ने आवश्यकता नरहेको र वहाँले ब्यक्तिगत प्रयासबबाट खानेपानी र सरसफाइ को छेत्रमा पुर्‍याउनु भएको अतुलनिय योगदानहरु जस्तै सरसफाइ र चर्पी निर्माण तथा चर्चित कार्यक्रमहरु जस्तै हुम्लामा उज्यालो कार्यक्रम, चेपाङसग रेडियो कार्यक्रम आदि सञ्चालन गर्नुभएको छ। त्यसैले,  वहाँसगको अनुभबहरुबारे भलकुसारी गर्ने उद्धेश्येले वाश फोरम अन्तर्कृया (WASH FORUM Interaction ) कार्यक्रम आयोजना गर्न लागिएको हुँदा यहाँ हरुको उपस्थितिको लागि हार्दिक अनुरोध गरिन्छ।

Date: 6 August, 2010, Friday
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm
Venue: ENPHO HALL, Thapagaun, New-Baneshwor
           (Beside the new Alliance College building)


-"पश्चिम पाइला"                                        -एन्फो                                              -आर सि एन एन    
("paschim paaila")                                     (ENPHO)                                           (RCNN)